Saturday 3 September 2016

Back to School

It's September and many of you will be thinking about the new academic year in one way or another.

For me it's time to put my study head back on.

I started studying my undergrad a few years ago at the grand old age of 32 but first pregnancy then a non-sleeping baby resulted in me first delaying then stopping my course.

Now life is a touch more predictable and I've settled into being a Stay at Home Mum I have decided to venture back into the world of academia.

Unlike last time though I am taking a slower route. I've opted for the Open University where I will be studying on a 50% workload rather than the intense 75% I was doing. This essentially means I will take 6 years to complete the degree.

Being a SAHM for many seems like the end of their personal ambitions. For me it's the start.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Nappy Bag Adventures - Episode 1 (or what's in my diaper bag)

It's funny looking back on these photos from when A was first born. I was using disposable nappies then although I'd planned to use cloth the ones I'd bought didn't fit him.

Babymel Soho Messenger

This is the Babymel Soho Messenger, kindly bought for me as I wanted something fairly unisex but other than that I didn't have a clue.

And it was a good bag. It held everything but I hated it. The fabric felt funny, it was soft structured so collapsed in on itself if I even thought about using the pockets.

Nappy Bag Innards version 1.
Going left to right: the change mat that came with the bag, bib, muslin cloths,
Middle row: case for dummy, nappies, hand cream, anti-bac wash, sun lotion and tissues
Bottom row: Nappy sacks and wet wipes.

At the time I was still expressing so I would carry bottles of breast milk as well as spare breast pads. I never took my pump out although I should have because the rooms for feeding are always in the toilets.